Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Reader's Digest Version


We moved.

My third grade English teacher would be so proud of my introductory paragraph.

Hubs' job has taken us back to the Florida panhandle.  Back to the beach, the waves, and most importantly, Target. 

As an added bonus (not that Target and Starbucks were not enough for me, my friends) we get to move back into our house. We've had tenants in our home for the last three years, good tenants.  Thank the good Lord for that.  However, their color choices are not my color choices. 

I like color.  They like brown.

I have friends with beautiful homes filled with browns and tans and camels and khakis. Their homes are lovely.  If I try to decorate mine with the exact same colors, it doesn't look good at all.  They say you choose the colors that look good on you. This may be true. I tend to decorate with what I wear- greens, blues, pale yellows and greens.  Brown is not my color. The last time I owned a brown coat I looked like I had the flu for the entire winter.

So.  Anywho.

We've been painting.  And here's the other thing.  The air conditioner is out.  Yes, m'am. I move back to 95 degrees with 200% humidity and I choose to paint my house while the air conditioning is busted.  Hey, I never claimed to be smart. (We are in a hotel, so at least we don't have to sleep there.)

Our household goods don't arrive until next week so I am trying to use my time wisely, painting and cleaning before they get here.  Hopefully today the air conditioning will be fixed today and the paint won't melt off the all, along with my make-up. 

On another note, I am looking forward to The Help coming out soon.  I loved the book and can't wait to see the movie. 

What about you?  What's your news? 


Nancy said...

Welcome home and I so want to be you. One day I pray I'll be able to get back to my native Florida. Enjoy!

I'm so-o-o-o ready for The Help to come out too. I've missed Minny and Abilene and Skeeter ever sinced I finished reading the book. Like they were my best friends.

Mrs. Shannon M. Herren said...

Welcome back to the South!

Don't know anything about The Help except what I've read online about it. Will probably watch on Netflix someday ;-)

Jenna@CallHerHappy said...

Ooh! I can't wait to read that soon as I finish Traveling with Pomegranates. It's a really good mother/daughter book. Highly recommend. Enjoy FL! Sounds like it is as hot there as it is in MI :)


Ashlee said...

Yay for you! I'll come visit you because the beach, waves and Starbucks sound good right now. As long as the air conditioning is working. Otherwise, Kentucky will be just fine for now.

News on our 4 year old, Kari, was just diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. We are in the hospital today hoping to get discharged at some point. Check our leukemia story out on my blog.

Anonymous said...

My news--married off my last kid and am now done with being the MOB and MOG. Finished the massive landscaping project in the front yeard brought on by the removal of a 40 foot spruce tree. the project was so big I lost 6 lbs. in 1 months--something I was never able to accomplish with any diet--with all the digging and pickaxing. Am now in the process of taking it easy for the rest of the summer and putting all the weight back on with frequent visits to Baskin-Robbins. Have you tried the new flavor Icing on the Cake? Addictive.

Connie said...

Welcome back to Florida. I am in the central part of the state and we have been cooler this summer than most of the U.S. Unfortunately the panhandle tends to have the steamier summers. Still, you can go cool off at the beach. Enjoy!

Roxanne said...

I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU. And were you REALLY gone for three years? Seriously? Three??? I can see you tra-laing your way through Target with some iced coffee ('cause it's too hot to drink anything hotter on purpose).

Anonymous said...

Well, yay for moving back home! I'm on Florida's Gulf Coast, so from one Southern blogger to another, welcome back!

BTW, you're not one for surprising your readers, now are you? heehee

My recent accomplishments? I just took my daughter to college...second year...sad but a part of life. I also just passed my final professional teaching exam. I'm in the home stretch to get my license!

Take time out from that painting to go see that movie. The book was excellent, and the previews look amazing! It reminds me of growing up in Alabama and eating the food prepared by Mary, my husband's grandparents' maid.

Susanne said...

Wow, how on earth did I miss this post? By now you should be getting pretty settled?

I like to live in neutrals with pops of color in the accessories but I totally don't wear neutrals preferring color in my clothing choices.