Can I just say that Shannon has made the coolest header for Works For Me Wednesday? Please visit her blog for more great tips.
Simple Christmas Project:
Every year I buy Christmas cards, write a note of encouragement, and just address it to a special person. I have given them to homeless people, the kids at a children's home, or anyone I happen to feel may need a smile. Last year, I ended up in the hospital on Christmas Eve and gave them to the staff!
I pray while I write them and ask God to give me the right words, and that He would help me give them to the right person. When I gave a card to a nurse during my hospital stay, she later came back to my room and said,"What you wrote was so true. Thank you." I didn't tell her that I had written that card days earlier, when I had no idea I would end up in the hospital! God is Good. :>)
My mom has a much larger Christmas card ministry. She starts at the beginning of the year, and she buys her cards on sale. This year she has written over 500 cards! Most of her cards go to the VA hospital, the Youth Detention Center, or to the local prison.
Cards are a great and inexpensive way to reach out to people. You would be surprised at what a card can mean to someone.
I absolutely LOVE this idea! I'm going to start it this year. It's such a sweet idea to spread even more Christmas joy all around. Thanks for sharing! =)
I have always been a card giver and have a huge stash so that I can write them up as I feel. Sometimes I just send them anonymously when I know someone is having a hard time just to let them know someone is praying for them. Sometimes it's just the encouragement someone needs to get through something! I love cards!
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