Sunday, October 28, 2007

Comment of the Week #6

The Comment of the Week goes to Julie for this quote about Atlanta-

"I will never forget getting stuck at a Subway with a friend of ours who lives in Atlanta because the time had passed that we could drive anywhere. Apparently there are certain times that no one who lives in Atlanta will go anywhere! I dont know where all the traffic comes from since everyone is waiting wherever they are for "rush" hourssss to be over. We went to the World of Coke on our honeymoon. I thought it was great."- Julie

I am sorry for laughing at your expense, Julie but the image of you being stuck at Subway because no one- even from Atlanta- would drive at that time of day cracked. me. up.

Classic Jeff Foxworthy moment!


Julie said...

Glad you got a laugh. :) Would you believe I am trying to plan a trip there for Thanksgiving. Regardless of the traffic, I love visiting Atlanta. Especially the northern parts!

Karen said...

I never would have believed this, but when we moved to Northern Virginia three years ago, we began planning our daily schedules around rush hour. Never, NEVER get on I-95 during rush hour! And summers are worse - Friday rush hour actually starts at noon on Thursday and I am NOT exaggerating.