Monday, February 19, 2007

Why "This Ain't New York?"

Someone asked recently what I have against New York; the people up there are nice, really.

Well, truth be told, I have nothing against New York or Northerners in general. (I married one!) But when I started to blog, I had to come up with a name that described what it meant to me to grow up in the South, in a family rich with small town folks with simple, yet colorful lives. Our family is laid back and casual, and sometimes even unrefined. We speak with not-so-eloquent accents in slow drawls and we drink our tea sweet and cold.

While trying to describe this place I call home (no matter where I live), I could definitely think of what it isn't- New York.

That's how I came up with the name and it has stuck ever since.

This is my original explanation and my very first post as it appeared last June-

"If this ain't New York, then where am I?"

So, for all you New Yorkers out there, welcome to my little corner of the blog world!


Tonya said...

I just have a funny comment about New York / Atlanta. We took the 'youngins to Atlanta today..their first trip to Atlanta. They kept commenting on the "big city" and saying this must be like New York. I just thought it was so funny then to read your post tonight - makes it even more funny!

Susanne said...

I've always loved the name of your blog and thought it perfectly suited it!

Blogger profile name said...

My favorite cousin lives in New York City--a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

I'm with you, honey: "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God."

No, this ain't New York! ;-)

Blogger profile name said...

BTW, your Hidden Treasure button is hanging out in the middle column in Firefox. Sorry! :-(

Tammy said...

I agree with always suited your blog perfectly and the title just made me smile...:)

Actually, I was bias against New York until I finally got to visit there with hubby (as in my post). I had grown up with the seedier side showing...but by the 90's, things had really gotten cleaned up and I was surprised how friendly strangers could actually be sometimes!

But still...I'd rather live in small town any old day, personally speaking. Now, I'm off to read your very first post...

Dana~Are We There Yet? said...

Great title, great blog.


Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

There ain't nothing better than being a Southern girl..I've been to New York. Got cussed out for making eye contact with a man..I was only going to say "Hi!" So I'll just stay south of the Mason-Dixon if ya'll don't mind..:))

Love your blog...

Eden said...

I've always like the name of your blog!

Sam said...

I adore your blog! I'm a proud New Yorker and I have just finished reading through all of your archives. Some of the stereotypes people have about this city are absolutely true--Lisa M., I am SO sorry that happened to you, but making eye contact with a stranger is not really done here. Even as I type that I realize how how strange it must sound to many people, but it's completely normal to us. We think it's jarring and suspicious if a complete stranger begins to talk to us. That said, I truly believe that most New Yorkers would respond politely--I certainly would. What happened to Lisa M. is terrible and unusual, but sadly, not surprising. It's just not street-smart to make eye-contact or talk to strangers, generally. I lived in Texas for 6 years so I have experienced that wonderful way of interacting with strangers. I absolutely prefer when people are kind and friendly to each other and I have a deep fondness in my heart for the South. But that same kind of kindness is just not possible in a city of this size and of this nature. There are so many of us in such a small place. We have to figure out how to be so physically close, yet still feel we have personal space. Remember, most New Yorkers do not get into their cars and drive to work in the morning. Most of us get on a crowded subway and either sit or stand pressed between two strangers. We also have small apartments, walk on crowded sidewalks when we're not taking the crowded bus or subway, and go to restaurants where the tables are two inches from each other. If we all talked to each other all the time and and were friendly, well I think we'd all go crazy. :-)
Anyway, hopefully our differences can be entertaining at the very least!!
I LOVE the south and I am definitely envious of the slower pace, the glorious heat, and the kindness of strangers.
That said, there are some amazingly kind people in this city and heroic acts are seen regularly. Like all stereotypes, they are not true for all people. New York City is an amazing place, like no other city in the world.
I don't want to take up any more of your comments section. I just wanted to give a shout-out from New York!! Your writing is wonderful!
God bless,

Barb said...

LOL Melanie. The minute I saw where you live, listed in your profile, I knew exactly what you were saying. It's the perfect name for your blog and I love it. :-)

It never even entered my mind that you were putting NY down. Let's face it. There's a big difference between the deep south and New York and that's what makes this such an interesting country to live in, don't you think?

I mean, you could have named your blog, "I Aint No Yankee." Or something. LOL

Roxanne said...

Oh--the glorious south--and how amazing that such a diverse nation can be so completely united as well. I, too, have visited New York, and I, too, agree that it's a nice place to visit but. . .I will gladly take all of the stereotypical images that circulate regarding southerners, 'cause there's just nothing else I can be.