Wednesday, May 28, 2008

WFMW: Teacher's Gifts

The end of the school year is drawing near and if you give an end-of-year gift, you know it's a challenge to come up with an original and personal gift.

Bath sets- Done

Cookie mix- Done

Teacher coffee mug- Done

So, what's a mom to do?

Several years ago, I gave this gift to my daughter's preschool teachers and they loved it. We lived close to the beach. I purchased an inexpensive, colorful beach bag and filled it with a beach towel and sunscreen.

The idea is to think of something your child's teacher will enjoy this summer.

Does she like to garden? Fill an inexpensive tote bag with garden gloves and tools. (The Dollar Tree is your best friend!)

Will your teacher be traveling over the summer? How about a new atlas and some car games? (Or a gas card!)

If your child's teacher has small kids, think of activities they could do as a family. How about a fun basket with bubbles, a kite, or a movie rental card?

You can put together a nice gift without breaking the bank. Visit the Dollar Store for great bargains.

Include a note with the gift wishing her the very best summer. She deserves the time off!

Any other ideas? Share them in the comments. I'd love to read them!

Visit Shannon for more great tips!


Susanne said...

The gifts that seemed to be the most popular when we gave gifts at the elementary lever, were those mini rose bush plants that can be an indoor plant on the table or planted outside. They get about as big as a basketball. The ladies liked those. And the most popular ones for the men teachers were were specialty bbq sauces with a bbq brush.

Roxanne said...

Loved your ideas. One year I gave sterling silver rings that had one of the fruits of the Spirit engraved on them--got them at Friendze for $8-$10.

One of the best gifts I (as a teacher) ever got was a bag that had chocolate, microwave popcorn, a cup, and $1 in quarters taped to an index card. . .kind of an "end of school" survival kit.

Roxanne said...

The quarters were for the coke machine. :)

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous ideas. Our children like to do "thank you" gifts to their teachers at church. We usually do it at Thanksgiving, but these would be good for pre-camp gifts or post-camp relaxation.

Again, love them!

happygeek said...

All the teachers in America thank-you.

Not that we don't love stinky perfume and candles, but sometimes a change is good!

Nancy Murphree Davis said...

Last year I got B&N gift cards. I hope they bought books for themselves, but figured they could buy books for the class if they chose to.

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I just found your blog through a friend's link and I know this is an older post... BUT, our pre-school does cash donations and it is awesome for the teachers. They all end up with several hundred dollars! The room moms arrange it and we have letters pre-made, etc- all well put together.
Just thought I'd share!