Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm guessing Martha never did that.

Last night, I was working on the lights and watching Wheel of Fortune because I feel that one should increase her vocabulary Vegas style while screaming at the Tannenbaum.

The Christmas spirit. I'm feelin' it.

You see, I ran out of lights a few days ago because three hundred of them didn't work. I spent at least three bucks on them. You'd think they would have lasted longer than oh, five years. Go figure.

In a last minute stop to the Big K before car line, I was feeling a little like Martha Stewart. I grabbed two boxes of lights and a few others items and rushed off to car line.

When I opened them up last night to put them on the tree I realized they had white cords. Oh, the disappointment. But I decided to make them work and twisted and turned them on the VERY GREEN tree. And, you know what? The CIA could not have hidden the cords any better.

Just as Pat Sajak was reminding a contestant to use her free spin, the doorbell rang. I was in the middle of cheap electrical wiring and I asked Hubs to answer the door.

It was my next door neighbor. She delivered the fudge that the woman in labor had made for the cookie swap. This woman was in the middle of making fudge, went into labor with her third child, dropped off her other kids at a friends' house, delivered her baby three hours later, then managed to distribute the fudge to all of us two days later.

SHE deserves a badge!


Kelly @ Love Well said...

I bought two boxes of lights after Christmas last year, when everything was 50% off. I thought I was so clever. (Yes, it's the simple things.)

When I got them out this year, I realized (like you) that they had white wires. Doh.

Since the tree wasn't an option, I came up with Plan B -- I would string them on our new deck, since it has white railing. But then it started snowing, and I lost all incentive. So back to the supply box they went. Maybe next year.

ummmhello said...

She doesn't need a badge, she needs to teach a class for the rest of us!

Susanne said...

Wow, she needs a crown or something. Superwoman she is!

What is up with the white cords on the lights? I've never understood that.

Roxanne said...

I was thinking she doesn't deserve a badge--she should be shot. But I'm glad her labor went well and she and baby are home and happy. . .and delivering fudge.

Shannon said...

But did she have any chili in the crockpot?

Why is it I can't locate my cell phone without calling it, but I can remember a Jeff Foxworthy joke from 10 years ago? :>