Monday, November 03, 2008

While Visions Of Swing States Dance In My Head

If you check in here tomorrow and I haven't posted anything new or anything of substance, it may be because I have taken two Tylenol and pulled the covers up over my head.

While peeping out to watch all the election news.

This election is making me a new shade of crazy. I've been worried, depressed, angry, disappointed, and outright distraught over the future of this country I love so dearly.

And now, today is the day before the biggie, the first Tuesday in November (the day we are technically supposed to be voting.)

I am stressed beyond stressed. I could totally take those Tylenol now.

Then it hit me. Today feels like Christmas Eve.

Not that I am awaiting the Messiah.

Seriously, this anxiety I am feeling is akin to the emotions that overwhelm me the day before Christmas. I am so busy wondering what I didn't do, what I did, what I could have done to make the next day better. To make it right for my family. To make it turn out the way I want it to.

The day before Christmas I am usually scurrying around wrapping presents, completing my last minute shopping, and fretting over the feeling that tomorrow won't turn out the way I'd planned. By the time our family sits down together on Christmas Eve, I am exhausted.

It is when I sit in the quiet that I can rest. When I look at my sweet family, wrap my arms around them, with my Bible in my lap, that I snap out of my plan and my worry and fall into His Word, His Love, His Grace.

His Peace. The peace that passes all understanding, all exit polls, election results, all republicans, democrats, independents, undecided, and all the talking heads on CNN.

This peace? It's what makes Christmas truly Christmas.

No matter who wins this election, I know I've voted and I've prayed.

And I'll keep on praying. And resting. In His Peace.


Carol said...

Girl, just remember whoever wins, God knew it before time began. And He planned to use that person in His grand scheme, however that may be. And we already know the ending. God wins. So rest in that.

Tammy said...

Hey Melanie...
I hope you remember me...I've missed seeing you stop by in too long!
But I was jumping around blogs just now, and reading this, I could so relate. But as the first commenter said so well, God has always known what will happen...He is in control.
But I do have to say that if the outcome is not the way I hope, I will feel SO sad for this country. But as always, God can take bad choices and use them still for His good if people are praying.

I would so love it if you stopped by and said hi...and take a moment to watch the video I have posted.

And then we'll hide under the covers and pray together tomorrow!

Susanne said...

I'm not even a American and I feel stress over your election!