Monday, November 16, 2009

Cat Years

Maggie is up in years. She's almost 13.

In dog years, that's old.

In people years, she should be getting some kind of social security check that I could dip into. The only thing is, with her being a cat, it would be kind of hard to forge her signature and cash it at Wal-mart.

"Um, yes, Customer Service Person, that paw print is totally mine."

In addition to her usual drama, Maggie has pretty much given up on effective grooming. I say effective because she still tries, bless her heart. She licks and licks and rubs her face with her paw. Now, in her old age, she just licks her long fur coat into a matted mess.

She has become that little old lady who sits in front of you in church. The one who always makes the coconut cake every year at homecoming. The one who still wears lipstick and blush, Avon circa 1982. The one who carefully styles her hair but doesn't realize that the back of it still looks like she slept on it.

God love her.

That's my cat.

So now I'm having to comb or clip out the knots in Maggie's coat. You could say I'm her weekly beauty shop appointment.

I draw the line at driving her to the bank.


KK said...

They are worth it though :)

fuzzytop said...

Bless you Melanie! This was so funny, and yet so sweet too. We have three cats and the oldest one, Sarah, is only 5, so I'm not at the "drive-your-cat-to-the-bank" stage yet. Hope Maggie appreciates her salon visits, and that she is with you for many more years.


Amy said...

Loving pets is a wonderful thing but when they get old or sick your heart and your bank account break. They are worth it though. Our dog Maggie is an important part of our family.


Carpool Queen said...

Be sure and tell her not to use the blue rinse stuff....there's no way to make that look natural...

Susanne said...

Awww, brings back memories of our "Licorice". She made it to 21 or 22.

Roxanne said...

Cracked me up. . .AND if you go to the bank, you can get a sucker.

sprymary said...

Sounds like you are an official caregiver of the elderly. Don't forget, there are support groups!

Joan Hall said...

Hi Melanie:

I read your post on the Internet Cafe and wanted to visit you blog. I'm an animal lover myself and have sixteen year old dog. We affectionatly call her the "old lady".

Have a blessed week and I loved your devotion.