Monday, September 01, 2008


Please join us as we pray for everyone who evacuated, those who stayed behind, for law enforcement who remain to protect people and property, and for the relief workers waiting to go in and provide aid when it is over.

Miracles can and will happen in the midst of this storm. God is with you.


Anonymous said...

This actually brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you.

We live on the Texas Gulf Coast, and have been on pins and needles waiting to see where it would go.

Hubs is the Emergency Operations Commander for our city, so there's no evacuating him; it would have been me & the kids and him left behind.

SmilingSally said...

My husband and I have been praying that no people will come to harm. It's scary, isn't it?

Kaye said...

Thank you for teh reminder you left on my blog for the preparedness. I had forgotten about the bathtub thing, so I certainly needed that reminder!