Thursday, March 06, 2008

Are you smarter than a Third Grader?

During a cookie transaction yesterday, one of our sweet Girl Scouts offered change to a customer. I gently corrected her math.

The customer not-so-gently corrected MY math and then informed me that I got an "F" in math for the day.

Granted, it was very, very early and I had not had my coffee.

Later on...

The same very smart third grade Girl Scout offered change to another customer after calculating in her head. The other troop leader (her mom) whispered another amount in her ear.

The customer gently corrected HER math.

It seems that we Troop Leaders need to review the "How To Count Change" patch.

Or maybe we're just tired.



Jeanne robinson said...

I love it. I let the smart third grader read this. She is very humble but loved it. I think we are just very tired. Thank you so much for all you do for me. I could not have done this without your strengh. Love Jeanne

Anonymous said...

As an accountant (turned SAHM), I get extremely frustrated when I make stupid math mistakes. I decided that having kids fried my brain and it will take years for me to regain those brain cells... if ever. The one disadvantage to no longer being in the work world.