Sunday, August 06, 2006

In case you haven't noticed...

I can tend to be a wee bit sarcastic. Sarcasm is the backbone of humor. Or is it the funnybone? Along with sarcasm, I think cynicism lends a witty flair to life.

What makes you laugh? Is it slapstick? Sarcasm? Knock Knock jokes? What makes you nearly split your pants? I would love to read your comments!


Brenda said...

Oh sarcasm definitely, and corny kid jokes. I had a friend in high school tell this one in our youth group: Two monkeys were sitting in a tree, and one says to the other, "hey, pass me a banana" and the other says "what do I look like? a typewriter?" I have no idea what made it so funny, but it was hilarious at the time. No one ever laughs when I tell it.

Big Mama said...

I'd say sarcasm and just dry humor in general. I truly appreciate people with great comic timing and of course Will Ferrell can make me laugh just looking at him!