Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Please Pray for Heather

Heather is having surgery tomorrow- brain surgery.

I cannot imagine the awesome strength and faith she must need to go through this. But I can imagine and know the awesome God who will see her through. He loves her and her family more than they could possibly dream.

Let's join together in Christ tomorrow to pray for Heather, the medical team, her husband, and her children.
May God be exalted.


Kelli said...

Thank you so much for posting this. We started a prayer chain over at my place, and the heavens are going to be resouding with praise and prayer on her behalf. Our God is an Awesome God!

Blogger profile name said...

Thanks for the update. I didn't realize it was tomorrow.

Barb said...

I signed up for every hour on the hour at Kelli's prayer chain for Heather. Praying my heart out for her, Mark and the kids today.