Thursday, May 10, 2007

You're A Gem, Girlfriend

Your husband trusts you with the checkbook, the car, and the kids.
You promise not to nag him
as you pick up his socks for the rest of your life.

You seek wrinkle-free, stain-resistant fabrics
and use a "warm iron as needed."

You are like the UPS truck bringing goods from afar,
buying ground beef on sale at Winn Dixie and organic milk from Publix.

You can smell a deal at Target from a mile a away.

You are still up at midnight making lunches for your kids
and you remember to cut the sandwiches in little triangles instead of squares.

You considered a field, but settled on a Mary Kay home business,
and with the sale of lipsticks and nail polish, you help pay the mortgage.

You go to the gym for aerobics class once a week,
or at least do weight training- lifting toys off the floor.

You help your neighbors, buy Girl Scout cookies and
volunteer many hours to the PTA.

You take your children to Sunday School and teach them about Jesus.

You make your best potato salad for all the church suppers
and you always take a cake to someone after a death in the family.

You are not afraid of anything (except maybe spiders)
as you care for your family with strength and courage.

You can't sew a stitch
but you sure know how to dress for less.

You always try to say a kind word
or say nothing at all.

You take care of your husband and children each day
without concern for yourself.

You are a Mother.

This Mother's Day, may your children call you blessed
or at least, you know, call you.

May your husband also praise you,
or just compliment you on your cooking.

Happy Mother's Day!


Nancy Murphree Davis said...

I wrote a version of this for the GBUMC Mother-Daughter banquet a few years ago. Yours is better, by the way. :)

Susanne said...

Cute! Happy Mother's Day to you to Melanie!

Big Mama said...

Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Karla Porter Archer said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too!


Dana~Are We There Yet? said...

Very sweet! May you have a peaceful and blessed Mother's Day, Mel.

Grafted Branch said...

Ah! The sandwich triangles! I've been slicing in squares all these years!

But now I feel as if it will all fall into place...


Happy Mother's Day to you, Melanie.

Roxanne said...

I love this interpretation of Proverbs 31. LOVE IT. What a talent you have, and thank you for sharing it.